A Modern Retention Automation Platform

Build vs. buy: what's best for you?

Struggling with high churn rates and considering building your own solution? Before committing to a resource-draining project, ask yourself: What if you could have the smartest cancellation flow system up and running in hours?

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Pricing tailored for you
ROI guaranteed
No Churn

We admire those who choose to build. But buying might be a smarter move.

Building your own solution might seem appealing—it offers customization and comes disguised as a quick-win, cheap project. After all, setting up a basic "cancel" button is easy.

But creating a comprehensive cancellation flow that allows for continuous improvement and feedback analysis at scale is challenging. Metrics can become inconsistent, improvements are slow, and maintaining a dedicated engineering team is costly. Even making small changes often pulls engineers away from core projects.

Decades ago, building was the only option when off-the-shelf solutions didn't exist. Today, buying a solution like Churnkey provides immediate, expertly-crafted features proven to optimize retention. If you're content with a simple system which may or may not retain more users, building might be for you. But if you care about improving churn in the best possible way, then Churnkey is the way forward.

Churnkey gets materially better outcomes than custom-built solutions that may fall short.

Your MRR on Churnkey
Save more cancelling customers

Our average save rates are nearly 2x that of custom-built solutions. Lower cancellations automatically while making customers happier and driving more revenue. Don't you deserve the best cancellation flow in the business?

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Recover more failed payments

Our average recovery rates are above 64%, while custom solutions often fall short. We've seen numbers as high as 89%. Get paid before it's too late, without having to become a payment recovery expert.

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Increase customer LTV by 28%

We take pride in handling every delicate customer touchpoint—failed payments, cancellations, subscription pauses, win-back campaigns—with the utmost respect and care. That means that your customers will be more likely to return again and again.

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Reactivation campaigns with the best targeting

We've seen win-back campaigns running at a 34% reactivation rate. Why? Because of our effortless segmentation: cancellation reason, Customer Health score, sentiment, and more capabilities that custom solutions can't match.

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Analyze messy product feedback at scale

Churnkey gathers so much data at these delicate customer touchpoints that can change the trajectory of your business for the better. The only problem? Making sense of it. That's why our AI gets to work for you: categorizing everything for your teams.

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Predict customer churn likelihood

Your teams have to do more with less, now, and we're well aware of that. Customer churn prediction helps you be more strategic with your team's time, so they know when to engage your best customers, predict at-risk revenue, and track feedback trends.

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Churnkey handles retention for modern, customer-obsessed teams...

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The top reasons teams choose Churnkey over reinventing the wheel.

Don't box yourself into the complexities of building and maintaining custom solutions. Let Churnkey handle your retention, so you can get back to building your product and growing revenue.

Implementation is quick

Setting up Churnkey is fast and seamless, allowing you to go live in hours rather than months. Building a custom solution takes significant time and resources, delaying your ability to address churn effectively.

Design that works

Churnkey offers a finely-tuned product designed to reduce churn. Building your own solution might offer customization, but it often lacks the depth of knowledge and proven strategies that Churnkey provides.

Reporting you can (actually) trust

Get immediate, accurate insights with Churnkey's advanced reporting tools. Custom-built systems often suffer from inconsistent metrics and delayed updates, making it harder to make informed decisions.

Transparent pricing, built for ROI

Every pricing plan is built for the unique needs of your business. No funny games. No fuzzy baselines. No unrealistic fixed pricing schemes. We work with you on pricing, always.

Daily product updates

Benefit from regular updates with Churnkey. Custom solutions require constant maintenance and development resources to stay current, which can strain your team.

A support team who cares (and is timely)

Response times, thoughtfulness, and thoroughness are staples of our culture. With a custom-built solution, support is often limited to your internal resources, which may not be specialized in retention.

Personalize Every Touchpoint

Leverage our platform to create insanely-targeted flows.

With Churnkey —
mix and match Cancel Flow responses, Customer Health scores, sentiment, risk level, and all the metadata you can ever imagine to create the most targeted cancel flows in the industry. That's why our customers reduce active churn up to 54%.
Custom-Built Solution —
offers limited personalization options and often requires significant development effort to implement even basic customizations.
Churnkey Reactivations
Ship Product Faster

Engineers enjoy building, not maintaining.

With Churnkey —
discover what customers value most about your product and deliver targeted offers, plan pauses, and intelligent discounts. Easily track, edit, and deploy new offers without any hassle.
Custom-Built Solution —
typically lacks the tools for deep customer insights and requires manual adjustments, making it harder to respond quickly to customer needs.
Engineers enjoy building, not maintaining
Reduce Voluntary Churn

Deploy unlimited, personalized, A/B-tested cancel flows at scale.

With Churnkey —
create dynamic cancellation experiences without any code changes. Segment your best, worst, and every customer in between. All with bespoke flows, offers, and copy, pushed live with one click. That's why our flows have the highest save rates in the business.
Custom-Built Solution —
send everyone through the same static flow, using outdated practices. Want to make a change? Ask Developers. Wait. Repeat.
Personalized Cancel Flows
Make Better Product Decisions

Make sense of all of your feedback—qualitative and quantitative—with our Insights AI.

With Churnkey —
utilize our AI to analyze feedback and understand customer behavior. Get real-time insights from live surveys and session recordings to continuously improve your product.
Custom-Built Solution —
requires substantial resources to develop and maintain analytics tools, often leading to delayed insights and missed opportunities.
Make Better Product Decisions
Peace-of-Mind Generosity

Armed with anti-gamification rules to ensure fair use.

With Churnkey —
for high-volume businesses, some customers might try to game the system and take advantage of your Cancel Flow offers. Not with Churnkey. With built-in cooldown periods, you can require customers to wait a number of months before taking another discount.
Custom-Built Solution —
lacks advanced anti-gamification features, making it easier for customers to exploit offers repeatedly.
Anti-gamification rules to ensure fair use
Built on Industry-wide Research

Benefit from decades of research to offer great cancellation experiences.

With Churnkey —
achieve the unthinkable by offering positive cancellation experiences for everyone. Benefit from our extensive research and user-friendly, customer-centric practices distilled from years of experience.
Custom-Built Solution —
lacks the depth of industry-wide research and often relies on trial and error, which can be costly and time-consuming.
Benefit from decades of research
Personalized Cancel Flows

Accelerate free-to-paid conversions with automatic trial extensions.

With Churnkey —
Accelerate free-to-paid trial conversions by automatically extending trials within personalized cancel flows. Gain valuable feedback and increase the likelihood of conversion.
Custom-Built Solution —
Requires manual intervention and lacks the automation needed to effectively manage and optimize trial extensions.
Effortless Feature Gating

Manage paused account access without any development time.

With Churnkey —
seamlessly manage paused accounts and block feature access gently without any development time. Remind paused customers and facilitate their reactivation effortlessly.
Custom-Built Solution —
managing paused accounts typically requires significant development effort and manual processes.

A Baseline Churnkey Experience

Voluntary Churn Drop
Time to Integrate
35 mins
Avg. LTV Increase
Recovered Payments

Let us show you how Churnkey outsmarts legacy churn software.

We’ll take you on a quick, friendly, no-pressure walkthrough of what we do. And you’ll see why so many companies are graduating to Churnkey's churn management software to boost revenue, recover failed payments, make customers happier.

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