Payment Retries

Do you have complete confidence in your payment retries performance?

Churnkey's Precision Retries recover maximum revenue from failed payments while preserving your hard-earned reputation.

Recover up to 89% of failed payments
See immediate ROI on day one
Optimized with machine learning
Payment Retries

“ No founder wants to think about failed payments or has the time to deal with them. Churnkey stepped up and did it for us — setting us up quickly and optimizing everything — so we could focus on what we love to do: ship fast and grow faster. ”

Grant Cooper
Co-founder of Cometly

Handling these decline codes so you don't have to...

Decline Code 61
Host Code 05
Debit Code 57
General Decline 2A
2000 Do Not Honor
20006 Decline
Error 93
Host Code 63
SEC Violation 63
Decline Code 61
Host Code 05
Debit Code 57
General Decline 2A
2000 Do Not Honor
20006 Decline
Error 93
Host Code 63
Reject Code 70
Decline Code 61
103 Code Meaning
Debit Code 57
Error Code -21
General Decline 2A
2000 Do Not Honor
20006 Decline
Error 93
Host Code 63
SEC Violation 63
No Churn

Maintain your reputation with both banks and customers — while improving your payment recovery rate — with our Precision Payment Retries.

We take into account a wide variety of factors like time of day, card type, location, and so much more to retry your customer's payment method when it has the highest probability of succeeding. Precision Retries retry just the right amount at the right time for the right decline codes. For everything else that requires customer intervention, we've got you covered with omnichannel dunning campaigns.

But we believe you shouldn't bother your customers when it's not necessary. Leave it to us. Because your business deserves a retries strategy that quietly improves your revenue while preserving your reputation.

It's all part of our Payment Recovery suite...

Precision Retries

Optimized retry schedules and tactics enhanced by machine learning and adapted for your business' bespoke needs. Works effectively with banks without customer intervention.

Omnichannel Campaigns

When retries can't solve a failed payment, Churnkey's omnichannel infrastructure gets to work across every possible channel, segmented in every possible way.

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Payment Recovery Wall

When retries and campaigns aren't enough, deploy in-app messaging to prevent usage in past-due accounts. Completely configurable, intelligent, and tasteful.

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A Unique Take on Retries

Precision Retries: driven by decline codes—and a whole lot more...

You only get a handful of attempts to retry a credit or debit card, so you've got to use them wisely. We group retry attempts by decline type (hard vs. soft), intelligently getting to work on codes for insufficient funds, try again later, and others. Hard declines automatically get handled by our powerful campaign infrastructure.

Precision Retries
Leveraging Our Vast Dataset

Optimized with benchmark data and machine learning for optimal performance

Our machine learning models learned from tens of millions of transactions to identify the most effective retry strategies. This means we can pinpoint the optimal times and frequencies for retrying failed payments, maximizing your recovery rate. By leveraging this data-driven approach, we ensure that you're not just retrying payments, but doing so in the most intelligent and efficient way possible.

Resolve payment failures
An Answer to Hard Declines

Retries backed up by effective dunning campaigns when it’s needed

Sometimes a more personal touch is needed. That's why we've designed our dunning campaigns to complement our automated retry system. These carefully crafted email sequences reach out to customers when automated retries haven't succeeded or the decline code makes it difficult to recover with Retries along.

Deepen Customer Trust
Clear Metrics

Track recovered revenue, failed payment reasons, campaign progress, and more

You'll always have the right data at your fingertips in real-time so you can make the most relevant decisions. Debit cards failing more often? Campaign underperforming? You'll know right away so you can act quickly for your business.

Resolve payment failures

“ On any given day, we have a few dozen subscriptions with failing payments. It could be a full-time job for someone to follow up with all these customers. Luckily, Churnkey takes care of it for us. In a typical month, Churnkey recovers over $20k in revenue and saves over 200 customers from churning. It definitely pays for itself. ”

Reilly Chase
CEO of HostiFi

Everything your team could be using right now...

    Personalized Cancel Flows

  • Personalization for every customer
  • Unlimited cancel flows
  • Unlimited customer segments
  • Custom attributes for advanced targeting
  • A/B testing engine
  • Subscription pauses
  • Discounts, delays, plan changes, other offers
  • Automatically extend free trials
  • Anti-gamification measures
  • Custom branding
  • No-code editor
  • Multi-language support
  • Custom CSS support
  • Unlimited team members
  • Dynamic flow branching
  • Block functionality for paused accounts

    Payment Recovery

  • Personalized for every customer
  • Unlimited email recovery campaigns
  • SMS recovery campaigns available
  • Unlimited customers
  • Pre-written and optimized campaigns
  • One-click payment processor setup
  • Collect partial invoices
  • Discount future payments
  • No-code setup and editing
  • Custom branding
  • Hosted payment update flows
  • Customer-facing billing history
  • Customer-facing cancellation notifications
  • Precision Retries outperform the industry
  • Block functionality for past-due accounts
  • Multi-language support

    Reactivation Campaigns

  • Personalization for every customer
  • Unlimited reactivation campaigns
  • Unlimited reactivation segments
  • Enhanced timing logic
  • Custom attributes for advanced targeting
  • Email infrastructure optimized for max deliverability
  • Use cancel reason, customer health, & more...
  • One-click reactivation experiences
  • Personalization for every customer
  • Custom branding
  • Hosted payment update flows
  • No-code setup, creation, and editing
  • Fallbacks for every edge case
  • Multi-language support

    Customer Health

  • Identify customers most prone to churn
  • Dynamic customer base risk scoring
  • Predict monthly revenue before it happens
  • Analyze customer sentiment over time
  • Unlock segmentation via health scores
  • Bring your own value metrics to enrich your ML model
  • Customer tables sorted by low, medium, high risk
  • Bespoke model trained on your billing data

    Metrics Suite

  • Track Boosted Revenue, key metrics over time
  • Trended, benchmarked cancellation reasons
  • Understand offer performance over time
  • Insight AI for qualitative feedback analysis
  • One-click payment processor setup
  • Cancel flow journey breakdown
  • Session recordings for every customer
  • Activity feed of every flow session
  • Real-time activity feed of customer status
  • Recovery success over time
  • Intelligent retry tracking
  • Trial conversion tracking

    Setup Services

  • Personalized setup call
  • Cancel flows built for you
  • Recovery campaigns created for you
  • Testing sandbox
  • Concierge migration from any other providers
  • Responsive email and live chat support


  • Support for Stripe, Paddle, Braintree, Chargebee, other integrations with key billing providers
  • Native Stripe App
  • Robust real-time webhook infrastructure
  • Slack app for real-time alerts
  • Dynamic email reports
  • Churnkey API for integration with any external apps such as Hubspot, Segment, Klaviyo, Salesforce, more

Let us show you how Churnkey outsmarts legacy churn software.

We’ll take you on a quick, friendly, no-pressure walkthrough of what we do. And you’ll see why so many companies are graduating to Churnkey's churn management software to boost revenue, recover failed payments, make customers happier.

Schedule a Demo