5 Essential PLG Metrics to Measure for Growth & Retention

Unlock growth with these 5 essential Product-Led Growth metrics. Learn how PLG SaaS companies measure user engagement, retention, and more while diving into data-driven insights for sustainable success.

5 Essential PLG Metrics to Measure for Growth & Retention

Product-led growth (PLG) has emerged in the SaaS world as a powerful strategy for driving user acquisition, engagement, and retention. For PLG companies, measuring the right metrics is crucial to understanding and optimizing user interactions with their product. Let’s dive into five essential PLG metrics that every SaaS founder and startup should track to ensure growth and retention: Acquisition Rate, Activation Rate, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Time-to-Value (TTV), and Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate.

1. Acquisition Rate

First we have the Acquisition Rate, a metric that measures the number of users who sign up for your free experience. This rate is a clear indicator of the initial interest and engagement your product generates.

Tracking your acquisition rate can help you understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and the appeal of your product to potential users. A high acquisition rate typically indicates strong market interest and effective outreach strategies.


To calculate the acquisition rate, you’ll divide the number of new users acquired over a specific period by the total number of visitors or leads during that period. For example, if 500 users sign up out of 10,000 visitors, your acquisition rate is 5%.

Strategies to improve Acquisition Rate

Optimize landing pages

Your landing page is often the first interaction a potential user has with your product. Ensure it is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and clearly communicates the value proposition. Use compelling headlines, engaging visuals, and concise copy to capture visitors' attention.

Content marketing

Create valuable and informative content that addresses the pain points of your target audience. Blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and videos can attract organic traffic and position your product as a solution to their problems. Effective content marketing builds trust and establishes your brand as an authority in the industry.

Social proof

Leverage testimonials, case studies, and user reviews to build credibility. Potential users are more likely to sign up if they see others have had positive experiences with your product. Highlight these endorsements prominently on your website and marketing materials.

Targeted advertising

Use targeted advertising campaigns to reach your ideal audience. Platforms like Google Ads, LinkedIn, and Facebook allow you to specify demographics, interests, and behaviors to attract users who are more likely to be interested in your product.

Referral programs

Encourage your existing users to refer new users by offering incentives such as discounts, credits, or exclusive features. Referral programs leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing and can significantly boost your acquisition rate.

2. Activation Rate

Activation Rate measures when a user experiences meaningful value in your product, often referred to as the “aha!” moment. A high activation rate is crucial for retention, as it indicates that users are finding value in your product quickly. The faster users reach their “aha!” moment, the more likely they are to continue using the product.


Calculate your activation rate by dividing the number of users who reach the activation point by the total number of new users. For example, if 300 out of 500 new users experience the “aha!” moment, your activation rate is 60%.

Techniques to enhance Activation Rate

Streamlined onboarding process

Simplify your onboarding process to ensure users can quickly understand and navigate your product. Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Interactive tutorials and walkthroughs can guide users to their “Aha!” moment efficiently.

In-app guidance

Use in-app messages, tooltips, and progress indicators to help users discover key features and functionalities. Contextual guidance can lead users to the value-adding aspects of your product without overwhelming them.


Tailor the user experience based on individual user data and behavior. Personalized recommendations, customized dashboards, and relevant notifications can make users feel more connected to the product and encourage deeper engagement.

Customer support

Offer proactive customer support during the onboarding phase. Reach out to new users to check on their progress, answer questions, and provide assistance. A strong support system can help users overcome initial hurdles and reach their activation point faster.

Feedback loops

Implement feedback mechanisms to understand where users are struggling during onboarding. Use surveys, in-app feedback forms, and direct user interviews to gather insights and make necessary adjustments to improve the activation process.

3. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

CLV is an important metric that predicts how much revenue a single customer will generate during your relationship with them. Understanding your CLV helps you optimize your acquisition efforts and prioritize high-value users. It also provides insights into customer retention and long-term profitability.


CLV can be calculated using the formula: CLV = (Average Purchase Value) x (Number of Purchases per Period) x (Average Customer Lifespan). For instance, if your average purchase value is $50, customers make 5 purchases per year, and the average customer lifespan is 3 years, your CLV is $750.

Ways to increase CLV

Customer engagement

Foster strong relationships with your customers through personalized communication and consistent engagement. Regularly update them on new features, improvements, and relevant content. A well-engaged customer is more likely to remain loyal and make repeat purchases.

Upselling and cross-selling

Encourage customers to purchase higher-tier plans or additional products that complement their current usage. Clearly demonstrate the added value and benefits of upgrading or buying supplementary products.

Retention programs

Implement loyalty programs and incentives to keep customers engaged and satisfied. Offer rewards for long-term usage, special discounts, or exclusive access to new features. Retention programs can significantly enhance customer loyalty and increase CLV.

Exceptional customer support

Provide top-notch customer support to resolve issues quickly and effectively. A satisfied customer is more likely to continue using your product and recommend it to others. Invest in training your support team and implementing robust support systems.

Regular value delivery

Continuously deliver value to your customers by updating your product, adding new features, and improving existing ones. Regularly communicate these updates to your customers to keep them informed and engaged with your product.

4. Time-to-Value (TTV)

TTV is a metric that indicates the amount of time it takes new users to reach their activation moment. Shortening TTV is essential for improving user satisfaction and retention. The quicker users realize value from your product, the more likely they are to stick around.


To measure your TTV, simply track the average time it takes from a user's sign-up to their activation moment. For example, if it takes new users an average of 7 days to reach their activation moment, then your TTV is 7 days.

Strategies for reducing TTV

Streamlined onboarding

Simplify the onboarding process to help users reach value faster. Break down the onboarding journey into small, manageable steps and provide clear, actionable instructions. Interactive walkthroughs can significantly reduce TTV.

Immediate value features

Highlight features that deliver immediate value and encourage early usage. Identify the core functionalities that solve the user's initial problems and make them easily accessible from the start.

Customer support

Provide proactive support to guide users through their initial interactions with the product. Quick responses to queries and proactive check-ins can help users navigate the product and reach their activation point faster.

Personalized onboarding

Customize the onboarding experience based on user personas and specific needs. Tailor the journey to ensure each user quickly finds the value relevant to their use case.

Educational resources

Create a library of educational resources such as tutorials, webinars, FAQs, and documentation. Ensure these resources are easily accessible and cover common questions and challenges new users might face.

5. Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate

This metric represents the percentage of users who convert from a trial period to a paid account. A high free-to-paid conversion rate is crucial for revenue growth and understanding the effectiveness of your conversion strategies.


Calculate your free-to-paid conversion rate by dividing the number of users who convert to paid accounts by the total number of trial users. For instance, if 50 out of 500 trial users upgrade to a paid plan, your conversion rate is 10%.

Ways to improve Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate

Trial optimization

Ensure your trial period demonstrates the full value of your product. Allow users to experience the core features and benefits that will motivate them to convert to a paid plan. Avoid restricting key functionalities during the trial.

Follow-up campaigns

Use email and in-app campaigns to remind trial users of the benefits and encourage conversion. Send timely and personalized messages highlighting how your product can solve their problems and improve their workflows.


Offer incentives such as discounts, extended trials, or exclusive features to trial users who upgrade to a paid plan. These incentives can create a sense of urgency and make the decision to convert more appealing.

User engagement

Engage with trial users throughout their trial period to ensure they are experiencing value. Provide onboarding assistance, proactive support, and regular check-ins to address any concerns or obstacles they might encounter.

Clear value proposition 

Clearly communicate the value proposition of upgrading to a paid plan. Highlight the additional benefits, features, and support that come with a paid subscription. Ensure users understand what they will gain by converting.

Are you ready to enhance your growth and retention?

Measuring and optimizing these five essential PLG metrics — Acquisition Rate, Activation Rate, Customer Lifetime Value, Time-to-Value, and Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate — can significantly enhance your SaaS company's growth and retention. By focusing on these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior, improve your product experience, and drive sustainable business growth.

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