A Primer on Fighting Churn for SaaS Founders Tips for creating an effective customer retention strategy and ensuring efficient customer success management within your team.
How To Write Copy That Helps Cut Churn It’s often overlooked how intertwined copywriting is with the major functions of a SaaS business. This is no exception when it comes to churn.
What's a Normal Churn Rate in SaaS? Experienced SaaS founders try to answer an age-old question. Is my churn rate high?
How Wavve Cut Churn by 2% Over Two Months With Better Cancellation Flows How Wavve, a high-volume SaaS company in the podcasting space, cut churn with better cancellation flows.s
4 Types of Churn and How to Prevent Them A discussion of customer churn, revenue churn, voluntary churn, involuntary churn. Learn about each type of churn and why they are important.